

How to Do a Monthly Review of Your Finances

Doing a monthly review of your finances is a very important part of getting it right on your financial journey. It is great to do an annual review of your finances! However, making an intentional effort to do a review on a monthly basis is even more effective. Why?

The question now is HOW? How do you conduct a monthly review of your finances?

Here's how:

Strategy One - Journal your experience in the previous month by answering the following questions:

Strategy Two - Do an SSC exercise

One thing you must note is that the best way to conduct a thorough financial review is to be honest with yourself and ask yourself very pertinent questions that will cause you to think deeply and enable you to make clearer decisions in the coming days.

Your financial review should happen on the last day of the month or the first day of it. This is important because after your review comes goal setting for the new month.

Spend time with your money this year and you will be glad you did!

Love, light, and a sprinkle of money in-between.

Essentials to Assess and Improve Your Financial Health

Financial health has to do with the state of your finances and also has to do with whether or not you are equipped to handle emergencies and to make major life decisions without wondering about its impact on your bank account.

How to assess your financial health:

How to improve your financial health:

Financial health goes beyond how much is in your bank account. It encompasses a sense of security, readiness for the future and also freedom to live your best life without financial stress. 

Are you financially healthy?

Love, Light, and a Sprinkle of Money in-Between

Financial Stress Guide for Gen-Zs

According to a recent study conducted by Point Digital Finance, 64% of GenZ citizens (anyone born between 1997 and 2011) have agreed that personal finance concerns have a significant impact on their mental health. In other words, money matters dey stress them! 

This is true because of the challenges facing them; from managing debt, saving, earning enough to meet up with demands and even preparing for retirement. This therefore means that GenZs need financial literacy now more than ever. Here are some tips to manage financial stress:

Dear GenZ, Money does not have to stress you to the point of frustration. With the right steps and strategies, you can de-stress and get a hold of your finances. 

Please share this with other GenZs in your circle!

Love, Light, and a Sprinkle of Money in-Between

Wondering How to Teach Kids About Money? These 7 Tips Will Help

Many of us look back in hindsight and wish that we learned what we now know about money at an earlier age. Maybe we would be billionaires right now don't you think? It is therefore important that parents take very seriously their responsibility to teach their children about money early in life because it will ensure their success later in life. 

Here are 7 tips that will help you teach your kids about money:

According to Claire Klassen, “Early financial education is crucial for breaking the cycle of poor financial decisions and increasing financial literacy.”

I hope this is helpful to you and your kids!

Love, light, and a sprinkle of money in-between.